Scenario :-
Subjects | Marks |
English | 100 |
Hindi | 100 |
Marathi | 100 |
Maths | 100 |
Science | 100 |
Grades | Percentage % |
Excellent | >=90 |
1 Class | >=75 |
2 Class | >=60 |
3 Class | >=45 |
Pass | >=35 |
Fail | <35 |
Next task :-
Grades | No. of students |
Excellent | x |
1 Class | x |
2 Class | x |
3 Class | x |
Pass | x |
Fail | x |
Optimization :-
So now you have to modify the script to calculate those rows in which data is changed or if any new data is added.
Let's Begin :-
- Go to the developer option and click on visual basic.
- In visual basic tab click on Insert -> module
Now you can start writing the code.
Let us first create the table head. Following code will enter the values in the appropriate cell and also add cell color and text style to it.
Sub Project_Cal_Grade()
'Creating table head for the students data and adding cell color and text style to it.
Range("A1").Value = "Student Name" Range("B1").Value = "Marks_1" Range("C1").Value = "Marks_2" Range("D1").Value = "Marks_3" Range("E1").Value = "Marks_4" Range("F1").Value = "Marks_5" Range("G1").Value = "Total" Range("H1").Value = "Percentage" Range("I1").Value = "Grade" Range("A1:I1, L1:M1, L2:L7").Font.Bold = True Range("A1:I1, L1:M1").Font.ColorIndex = 1 Range("A1:I1, L1:M1").Interior.ColorIndex = 8
'Creating table for grade distribution
Range("L1").Value = "Grades" Range("M1").Value = "No of Students" Range("L2").Value = "Excellent" Range("L2").Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Range("L3").Value = "1 Class" Range("L3").Interior.ColorIndex = 36 Range("L4").Value = "2 Class" Range("L4").Interior.ColorIndex = 44 Range("L5").Value = "3 Class" Range("L5").Interior.ColorIndex = 22 Range("L6").Value = "Pass" Range("L6").Interior.ColorIndex = 46 Range("L7").Value = "Fail" Range("L7").Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Range("A1:Z10000").Columns.AutoFit Range("A1:Z10000").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Range("A1:Z10000").VerticalAlignment = xlCenter End Sub
'Define the variables as long type
Dim i As Long, j As Long
'Define the lastRow type
Dim lastRow As Long
'Finding the lastrow in the sheet which contains data
lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Define the lastColumn type
Dim lastColumn As Long lastColumn = 9
'Writing the logic to calculate the total marks, percentage and grades
For j = 2 To lastRow Cells(j, lastColumn - 2).Value = 0 For i = 2 To (lastColumn - 3) If (Cells(j, i).Value < 35) Then Cells(j, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 38 End If Cells(j, lastColumn - 2) = Cells(j, lastColumn - 2) + Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Cells(j, i)) Next i Cells(j, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) = Cells(j, lastColumn - 2) / 5 If Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) > 90 Then Cells(j, lastColumn) = "Excellent" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 4 ElseIf Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) > 75 Then Cells(j, lastColumn) = "1 Class" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 36 ElseIf Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) > 60 Then Cells(j, lastColumn) = "2 Class" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 44 ElseIf Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) > 45 Then Cells(j, lastColumn) = "3 Class" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 22 ElseIf Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) > 34 Then Cells(j, lastColumn) = "Pass" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 46 Else Cells(j, lastColumn) = "Fail" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If Next j
'Define the Range you want to work on. If any data is changed in a particular row, then in that row 1 cell color will be changed to white color
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A2:F1000")) Is Nothing Then Target.EntireRow.Cells(1, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 2 End If End Sub
'Define a if condition where if the 1 cell color of a row is white then only proceed with the calculation else skip the row.
If (Cells(j, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 2) Then . . . . . . End If
'Bordering student table.
Dim rngBottomRowStart As Range Dim rngBottomRowEnd As Range Dim rngDataUpperLeftCell As Range Set rngDataUpperLeftCell = Range("A1") With rngDataUpperLeftCell Set rngBottomRowStart = Cells(.End(xlDown).Row, .Column) Set rngBottomRowEnd = Cells(rngBottomRowStart.Row, .End(xlToRight).Column) End With If (lastRow > 1) Then Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous End If
'Bordering distribution table.
Range("L1:M7").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
Range("M2").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "Excellent") Range("M3").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "1 Class") Range("M4").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "2 Class") Range("M5").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "3 Class") Range("M6").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "Pass") Range("M7").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "Fail")
. . . If (Cells(j, i).Value < 35) Then Cells(j, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 38 End If . . .
Sub Project_Cal_Grade() Range("A1").Value = "Student Name" Range("B1").Value = "Marks_1" Range("C1").Value = "Marks_2" Range("D1").Value = "Marks_3" Range("E1").Value = "Marks_4" Range("F1").Value = "Marks_5" Range("G1").Value = "Total" Range("H1").Value = "Percentage" Range("I1").Value = "Grade" Range("A1:I1, L1:M1, L2:L7").Font.Bold = True Range("A1:I1, L1:M1").Font.ColorIndex = 1 Range("A1:I1, L1:M1").Interior.ColorIndex = 8 Range("L1").Value = "Grades" Range("M1").Value = "No of Students" Range("L2").Value = "Excellent" Range("L2").Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Range("L3").Value = "1 Class" Range("L3").Interior.ColorIndex = 36 Range("L4").Value = "2 Class" Range("L4").Interior.ColorIndex = 44 Range("L5").Value = "3 Class" Range("L5").Interior.ColorIndex = 22 Range("L6").Value = "Pass" Range("L6").Interior.ColorIndex = 46 Range("L7").Value = "Fail" Range("L7").Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Range("L1:M7").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim lastRow As Long lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Dim lastColumn As Long lastColumn = 9 For j = 2 To lastRow If (Cells(j, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 2) Then Cells(j, lastColumn - 2).Value = 0 For i = 2 To (lastColumn - 3) If (Cells(j, i).Value < 35) Then Cells(j, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 38 End If Cells(j, lastColumn - 2) = Cells(j, lastColumn - 2) + Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Cells(j, i)) Next i Cells(j, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) = Cells(j, lastColumn - 2) / 5 If Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) > 90 Then Cells(j, lastColumn) = "Excellent" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 4 ElseIf Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) > 75 Then Cells(j, lastColumn) = "1 Class" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 36 ElseIf Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) > 60 Then Cells(j, lastColumn) = "2 Class" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 44 ElseIf Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) > 45 Then Cells(j, lastColumn) = "3 Class" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 22 ElseIf Cells(j, lastColumn - 1) > 34 Then Cells(j, lastColumn) = "Pass" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 46 Else Cells(j, lastColumn) = "Fail" Cells(j, lastColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If End If Next j Dim rngBottomRowStart As Range Dim rngBottomRowEnd As Range Dim rngDataUpperLeftCell As Range Set rngDataUpperLeftCell = Range("A1") With rngDataUpperLeftCell Set rngBottomRowStart = Cells(.End(xlDown).Row, .Column) Set rngBottomRowEnd = Cells(rngBottomRowStart.Row, .End(xlToRight).Column) End With If (lastRow > 1) Then Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous End If Range("M2").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "Excellent") Range("M3").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "1 Class") Range("M4").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "2 Class") Range("M5").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "3 Class") Range("M6").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "Pass") Range("M7").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngDataUpperLeftCell, rngBottomRowEnd), "Fail") Range("A1:Z10000").Columns.AutoFit Range("A1:Z10000").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Range("A1:Z10000").VerticalAlignment = xlCenter End Sub
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